You were born with potential.

You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly”


This quote by Rumi often runs through my mind as I picture my mother uttering these very words to me whenever I felt stuck, overwhelmed, or challenged. It has become somewhat of a mantra, forcing me into action and taking the steps to knocking down doors and learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. “You are not meant for Crawling,”  she’d say as she pushed  me to enter the unknown and challenge myself to rise above expectation and find the adventures and calling which will have me soaring through the skies. Because of this, whenever I delve upon new experiences, I ask myself three questions: Is there an opportunity for growth and knowledge to be gained? Will it inspire and/or have a positive impact on mine or someone else’s life? Will it bring joy?

 During my week at the NEWF Wildlife Cinematography Lab 2021, all of these questions were answered. They were answered with such a positive impact to my being and future that I cannot help but feel an immense sense of gratitude, joy, and responsibility. Gratitude for the knowledge gained and the relationships built. Joy - simply because of the absolute certainty I have that the seeds being planted will guide me right to where I belong, a place of creativity and growth, with the know-how and technical understanding of the cinematic wildlife world I often dreamed of but for so many years thought it out of reach. The responsibility; this is felt at the realization that out of the thousands and thousands of people out there all equally as hungry as I am,  It is I taking up the seat in this space. In a world where there are so many barriers to entry and an enormous lack of access, it is both my blessing and responsibility - this is a reality I will never take lightly.

When I found myself being invited to the NEWF Wildlife Cinematography Lab in partnership with RED Digital Cinema and Wildlife Society of Filmmakers for a 4 Day REDucation Workshop,  how could I not drop everything and anything to take part in this experience?! Especially when the Mission of NEWF has always been so clear ‘to remove the barriers to entry and build capacity to enable access, support inclusion and create a culture of equity”.  So, I packed my bags, boarded the plane and uttered my mantra as I prepared and made the intention to always keep my eye on the goal post.

On arrival, I was met by the happy faces of the other Fellows from all around Africa accompanied by the warm welcome of NEWF. Most were exhausted from travels but oh so eager and ready to take on the lab later that very same day. Our purpose was clear and there was no time to waste.

It was a four-day experience of the best kind of mentorship; early morning wakeup calls, workshops, homework, technical jargon, and lots of hands-on, real world experiences of playing around with the latest RED cinema cameras and all that comes with it. Having the access to the people at RED, being able to ask the necessary questions and receive an immediate response and feedback was absolutely amazing; this front row seat which I’m sure many of my colleagues and friends, with years ahead of me in the game, would give an arm and leg to have. We were not only learning the key fundamentals and knowledge of Wildlife Filmmaking and getting to understand RED and its workflow, but we were also handed the latest RED V-Raptor 8K VV, which was only introduced to the world On September 1, 2021.  The camera is RED’s most powerful to date. It features the highest dynamic range, fastest cinema-quality sensor scan time, cleanest shadows, and highest frame rates of any camera in RED’s lineup, and here we were wrapping our hands all over it.  Learning and discovering all there is to know from the very people who had brought it to the world. This is access in complete action! 

When it comes to polishing one’s craft, particularly in the field of cinematography it only really grows and improves by actively understanding the ins and outs from a creative and technical perspective.  Knowing and understanding how things operate technically through practical experience and many failed experimental attempts at capturing your vision, one would think this is a given to all those delving into the world of filmmaking and in particular cinematography.   However,  this is all too often not the case as the divide of the haves and have nots is a big one.  But this is truly what this lab has afforded us; the opportunity to dream and feel like a kid again, playing around with the best of toys, envisioning all the possibilities of a greater future simply by being given the access and a seat at the table. As Fellows we were introduced to new ideas, inspiring further exploration on our own or in small groups, illustrating and promoting actual process practice. Truly a great way to teach hands-on skills as it gave us an opportunity to try out new methods, fail in a safe environment and celebrate the victories however big or small.

We also had the opportunity to meet the extremely creative and talented women at Wild Star Films as they shared their collective experiences, insights, and knowledge. Opening up about impactful storytelling and filmmaking and the keys to setting yourself apart from the rest, to have your voice heard and your vision seen.

Apart from learning new things, we also built new relationships, established connections with great like-minded people, each with a purpose and dream of creating and telling beautiful cinematic stories. Often when bringing people together, it is clear that not everyone has the same view of the world, and their understanding of something may differ dramatically from yours but given the opportunity to take part in spaces just like this one, gives a remarkably unique or new perspective altogether, not just from the mentors but the other Fellows too! I find this to be one of the most valuable things of taking part in a NEWF lab - it is opening the door to access, the door for collaboration and creating something you previously never even thought of before, simply by truly and fully immersing yourself in the experience.  It pushes you to grow, to be open to new ideas, new ways of doing things, or new ways of thinking. It is rightly said that you must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be! So, the words I’ve come to learn oh so well at NEWF “To change the story, we must change the storyteller”, has been added to my mantra and will forever keep me pushing and creating and being the best version of myself, not just as a dream but as a responsibility!

This lab may have physically ended but I am absolutely sure that to all who have attended and taken part in it, it is only but the beginning!

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” - Rumi

By Muneera Sallies


